Monday, 30 June 2008

JOM MAKAN UBI KAYU! (gov new slogan)

Its wedding month since May till July...Lots of my friends are getting married. Just attended a wedding in menara KL.Nice wedding with nice scenery.Dinner with KL view..How cool is that? That's what money can do if you have them..Haha..Anyways, congrats to my dear friend and semoga berkekalan sehingga ke akhir hayat...bukan ke anak cucu je..sebab lepas ade anak cucu pun leh cerai berai...haha..

Talking bout money, kite mesti mengeluh mengingatkan harga minyak naik...sigh...We don't need people to tell us what to eat or how to lead a life to survive especially with the current world-wide hike in fuel price, but we need SOLUTIONS. That's the reason why we have elections; untuk memilih wakil2 menyuarakan dan membela hak rakyat..but what do we get? We are told to eat ubi kayu and segenggam beras..huh?Solution macam tu budak2 pun boleh fikir..We don't need a brainiac to come out with that idea.

Another thing, selaku orang yang pernah belajar ekonomi (eventhough tak berape ingat), I remember my lecturer once said, if we must compare, we compare dengan yang setaraf dengannye..An apple with an apple..For example, we do not compare the price of durian here with the price of durian in China..This is because, kite adalah pengeluar durian..kite export durian and China takde tanam durian (kalu tak salah la). And if I am to apply this on the fuel situation, we can't compare our fuel price with Singapore because, kite pengeluar minyak...Sinagpore mane ade minyak...Air pun tak cukup...Hmmm...I must say, takde lah bodoh sangat saye ni selaku rakyat Malaysia (seperti yang difikirkan oleh sesetengah pihak..)

Saye ade soalan bocor (untuk SPM tahun 2009). Soalannye berbunyi:

Macam mana cara-cara untuk mengatasi masalah kenaikan harga minyak?

A. Mengubah cara hidup ( favourite solution setiap kali harga barang naik)
B. Makan Ubi kayu
C. Makan segenggam nasi
D. Semua di atas

And the answer is.....D. Semua di atas! Susahnye soalan..Haha..
Have a nice life guys! We can change things if we want, but we must unite!

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Holiday is ending...

My holiday will be ending in a few days..Sedihnye..Anyways, leave that behind. This entry is meant for me to share what have been happening during my wedding and during my holiday..I won't be writing down a long comprehensive story. This time it will just be pictures and a bit of narration..So here it goes...

The Photo Session



Honeymoon- Bali