Saturday, 22 December 2012

Wahai Lelaki, Hormatilah Isteri Awak! | discover the beauty of islam

terjumpe article ni n it is intresting n so true..jom bace!

Wahai Lelaki, Hormatilah Isteri Awak! | discover the beauty of islam

who's with me angkat tangan!huhu..

just a reminder peeps!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Allah itu adil..


Its a nice day today and I finally would like to write something bout an issue which has long been in my mind.

Seorang isteri wajib mengutamakan suaminya lebih dari yang lain waima ibu bapanya sendiri..

Lately ni, saye selalu bace status like this kat facebook. Betul, syurga seorang isteri terletak pade suaminye..saye tidak menidakkan statement di atas.Itu hukum Allah.Saya sendiri sebagai seorang isteri perlu sentiase ingat..

But remember, Allah itu adil..whatever hukumNya tidak akan berat sebelah..mesti ade kebaikan untuk semua pihak yang berkaitan kerana Allah juge menyuruh suami atau anak lelaki berbuat baik dan menjaga ibu bapanya termasuk ibu bapa mertuanya..

Saya amik contoh diri sendiri..I am the eldest of six.Yes I am a wife now, tapi saye masih ade rase tanggungjawab kepade family saye especially my parents.Dan alhamdulillah, I'm thankful that my husband understands and never restraint me from helping my parents.

And I have to always remind my self walaupun en hubby tak kesah dan memahami, I should never take that for granted and must always, always, be fair to him.If  along the way saye berat sebelah, I'm counting on him untuk memberi teguran dan membimbing saya..(thank you sayang!)

Untuk semua suami2 yang berpegang teguh kepade statement di atas dan sentiase menggunakannye ask yourselves this question:

1. kite nak isteri jage kite dan utamakan kite..kite boleh bantu die jage mak ayah die macam mane die jage? sebab parents isteri same macam parents kite both should be treated equally.macam mane kalau isteri kite memang selame ni menanggung mak ayah die yang dah uzur bagai tapi bile kahwin dengan kite, kite x boleh nak paham and so adamant on using the above statement.mane tolak ansur kite? kite cari isteri and teman hidup or cari lembu untuk dibela?cucuk hidung die pastu kene ikut je arahan kite..

2. kalau kite ade anak perempuan je say sampai 4-5 orang, mesti kite didik mereka untuk jadi anak dan isteri yang baik kan? ke kite groom untuk jadi isteri yang taat je? don't lie and say sikit pun kite tak harap anak kite boleh jage and care about kite bile tue nanti..walaupun anak perempuan.dan kite mesti doa agar die dapat pasangan yang baik dan memahami serta tidak mengabaikan kite.ape perasaan kite kalau die dapat suami yang sangat suke menggunakan statement di atas to his advantage? duduk rumah orang tua la kite laki bini..x gitu?

3. kalau betul penyudahnye kite tua nanti kene jage diri sendiri or duduk rumah orang tua, rasenye xde orang yang nak lahirkan anak perempuan.semue nak anak lelaki je la kalu camtu..sebab boleh utamakan dan jage kite bile tua.kan?

Allah tu adil. ye saye setuju dengan ape je reminder yang orang letak kat fb tu..

isteri kene utama suami bukan ibu bapa..
anak lelaki kene utama ibu bukan isteri..

tapi kebanyakannye cycle dah jadi macam ni - suami utamakan isteri dan abaikan ibu bapanya dan penyudahnye tanggungjawab menjage ibu bapanya tu kakak or adik perempuan die yang buat yang sebenarnye juga seorang isteri....pelik, tapi itulah senarionye sekarang..

Tapi kepada para isteri (including me hehe) jangan la jugak kite membelakangkan suami kite..macam mane pun kite rase bertanggungjawab pade orang lain, suami tetap utama.kalau die kate hitam tu, hitam la die..kalau putih, putih la die..kite pun kene bertolak ansur..suami lah syurga kite!

Ya Allah, kau jadikanlah aku isteri dan anak yang solehah dan kurniakanlah aku anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah..

this is just my opinion.saye bukan mempersoalkan atau menidakkan hukum Allah kerana saya percaya Allah itu adil dan hukumNya tidak akan sekali-kali berat sebelah..maafkan kedaifan saya kalau saya salah kerana saya insan yang lemah dan banyak kekurangan!*wink*

Thursday, 13 December 2012

you don't say..

Kaunselor : Apakah pekerjaan Encik Zainal?
Encik Zainal : Saya bekerja sebagai Akauntan di sebuah Bank.
Kaunselor : Halimah pula?
Encik Zainal : Dia tidak bekerja. Hanya suri rumah sahaja.
Kaunselor : Tiap-tiap pagi siapa yang sediakan sarapan pagi?
Encik Zainal : Halimah yang sediakan sebab dia tak kerja.
Kaunselor : Pukul berapa Halimah bangun untuk sediakan sarapan??
Encik Zainal : Pukul 5 pagi

 dia bangun kerana saya akan keluar bekerja pada pukul 6.30 pagi.
Kaunselor : Anak-anak encik Zainal ke sekolah bagaimana??
Encik Zainal : Halimah yang hantar sebab dia tidak bekerja.
Kaunselor : Selepas hantar anak-anak, Halimah buat apa?
Encik Zainal : Pergi ke pasar, kemudian balik rumah untuk memasak dan kemas rumah. Halimah kan tak bekerja.
Kaunselor : Petang hari selepas Encik Zainal balik rumah, apa yang Encik Zainal lakukan?
Encik Zainal : Balik berehat, kerana seharian saya penat bekerja.
Kaunselor : Apa Halimah buat?
Encik Zainal : Sediakan makanan, melayan anak, mengemas dan dia juga mengambil upah menjahit. Dia menjahit sehingga lewat malam kerana dia tidak bekerja

Such an annoying statement - kerana dia tidak bekerja..
Alahai En Zainal, rendah sungguh pandangan kamu kepada seorang isteri..Ye die tidak keluar mencari rezeki.tapi ape yang die buat hari2 tu bukan ke satu pekerjaan?
Kesian En Zainal ni.belajar tinggi2 tapi akalnye pendek. 

Pemahaman macam ni memang sangat annoying. Your wife wakes up before everybody else and started her chores..And it ends after everybody else finishes their chores..and yet you said die tak bekerja? shame on you En Zainal.

Lelaki kene lebih and lagi hebat dari perempuan.perempuan tempatnye di rumah and di bawah suami?eh,ignore the latter stetement..haha..

But seriously? My mom is a fulltime housewife. And looking at her, ape yang die buat is not easy as how we think it is..rumah,anak-anak, suami and miscellaneous..tu semue die handle..handfull stuffs kan? rasenye die nak take a nap pun susah..sebab kejenye as early as before subuh sampai lah die lelap mate malam nanti..

I am a mom. a working mom.but weekend bile en hubby ade kelas, merase la jadi fulltime housewife..not easy! lagi2 dengan ade baby..tak menang tangan nak buat semua..nak take a nap pun susah..mase anak2 tido, time tu la nak buat banyak bende..kemas rumah, sidai baju and other chores..

So how can a guy macam En Zainal ni boleh berfikir yang wife die x buat ape-ape langsung..boleh tak kalau for one day..just for one day, you fill her shoes? ade ke tempat lain yang kene keje 24 jam like how a fulltime housewife kene buat? 

kedai 24jam pun workers die keje shift!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Treat them well..

Mama and Abah..

Two of the most important person to me..

24 tahun mereka jage saye sampailah saye kahwin..24 tahun with them, tak pernah saye tak dapat ape yang saye nak..mungkin x senang nak dapat bile mintak tu but I will get it sooner or later..

Growing up, I witnessed kesusahan my parents mencari rezeki especially my dad. And all that for his family, for his wife and kids..Susah payah die selame ni untuk saye and adik2 and I am thankful for that.

Yes, saye membesar tak la sesusah mane..ramai lagi yang lagi susah dari saya and semua tu atas usaha mama and abah..saye adik beradik mungkin rezeki datang bergolek but my parents worked hard for it.terutamanya abah saya..

And saye bersyukur sgt2 coz Allah and my parents always keep me grounded.saye x diberi kemewahan membuta tuli..I have to earned what I want.I was taught to manage my own financial.Ape yg di bagi bulan2 itulah yang saye catu..

And for what I get, saye hanye mampu membalas ape yang terdaye and selebihnye saye doa kepada Allah.

Mase belajar I give them good results and make them proud.
I worked at my dad's company coz he built it for me and my siblings..
I try my best to fulfill their request selagi mampu coz x pernah saye nampak  mama and abah mengeluh or susah hati if I ask for anything from them.
24 tahun they cope with my attitude and masalah why can't I do the same with them?

Now that I am also a mom, I will always try to treat my parents as how I want my kids to treat me and my hubby. Saye rase itu je yang saye mampu buat untuk balas jase my parents..nak bagi kemewahan memang tak mampu..They are and will always be in my prayers.

Selagi mereka hidup, saye akan cube berbuat baik to them and senangkan hati mereka. Coz I will never know when they will leave me. I hope Allah panjangkan umur mereka and they live long enough to be at their grand daughter's wedding.

Another thing, mase arwah atuk and nenek saye masih hidup, I witnessed my dad treating them to the best of his ability. Towards the end of their age, my dad yang take care of them.x pernah saye dengar die mengeluh.
Saye selalu dengar arwah atuk saye puji abah saye..both arwah atuk saye..

And I think Allah repays my dad for his good deeds..What he has now somehow reflected the good things he has done to his parents and others.

“Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (agar berbuat baik) kepada kedua orang tuanya, ibunya telah mengandungkannya dengan keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyusukannya selama dua tahun, bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada kedua orang tuamu, hanya kepada Aku kembalimu” (Luqman, 31: 14)

“Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan, supaya kamu tidak menyembah selain Allah, dan hendaklah berbuat santun terhadap kedua orang tua. Jika salah seorang telah lanjut usianya, atau kedua-duanya telah tua, janganlah sekali-kali engkau berani berkata ‘ah’ terhadap mereka dan janganlah engkau suka menggertak mereka. Tetapi berkatalah dengan sopan santun dan lemah lembut.” (al-Isra’, 17: 23 )

"Berbuat baiklah kepada ibu bapamu, nescaya anakmu akan berbuat baik kepadamu. Dan bersikap jujurlah kepada ibu bapamu, nescaya isteri kamu akan bersikap jujur kepada kamu." (Hadis al-Tabrani)

Be good to your parents peeps!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Berjimba di OU

Family Outing Day..
Venue: One Utama..

Catch of the day..*wink*

Princess Qistina

Princess Qairina

Princess Qis and her ride..

Abah, wut are you doing?

Abah: Can I have some Qis..looks yummy..

That's how we spent our Sunday. How's yours?

Friday, 30 November 2012

Durian Crepe

I had this for my breakfast..

Not bad at all but I won't go ga-ga over it..

I saw people's updates on these crepe and its like a-must-eat thing now.

Its like if you haven't eat it yet, you are soooo yesterday..

Is it? well, for durian haters, they couldn't care less..

Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't hate durians..


Thursday, 29 November 2012


Dinner at mid semua gara2 en hubby nak makan korean food.
So we went to Dubu-Dubu..not bad la food die..yang penting hubbyku dapat 
makan kimchi kegemarannye..
Malas la cite bnyk.enjoy je gambar ok..

 Tunggu food..

hubby's order..ntah ape ntah namenye..

                                              Muke orang ngidam korean food..hahaha..

spicy rice cake

Qis and her catch of the day..

my work nest?

my room in the office..

ha..camni la kalau time mengupdate pun kire kemas lagi..
kalau tak atas meja pun penuh ngan file..
kat belakang meja tu memang penuh ngan file..
inilah bilik yang ku duduk hari-hari 8.30am-5.30pm..
tgh cari idea nak bg ceria lagi..
thought of hanging up family pictures..
we'll see bout that later..

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Passport Pic

Baru je balik buat passport untuk si kecik..hahhaha...renew sekali mama and abah punye passport sekali..susah sungguh nak amik gambar die..sebab dok syok sgt pandang sane this is the pic we can get from her..tgk tu mencebik bibirnye..puas abahnye suh pandang camera..

arissa qairina sani

kat bawah ni pulak gambar passport kakaknye Qis..mase Qis amik gambar ni, she is already 8 dah pandai sikit..hahahaha..lain kan muke my daughters?

arissa qistina sani

my 2 precious, gorgeous treasure..hikhik..semoga membesar jadi muslimah yang solehah dan bijak..

Ya Allah, jauhilah anak-anakku dari maksiat dan sifat-sifat yang keji..Amin..

Sunday, 25 November 2012

hopelessly hopeless

I feel hopelessly hopeless..

There are tonnes of emotions raging within me.

I just want to shut down n forget everything..

But i love my kids so much..

And i will stay strong..

For my family.

I'm fighting it through thick n thin.

I hope i'll survive.

the things we sacrifice..

Done bathing both my ngah bergolek melayan diorang..en hubby ade kelas hari ni..kalau weekend en hubby ade kelas..memang patah kaki..

Restricted sikit nak buat banyak bende bile ade baby..nak kemas rumah pun x times baby Qai xnak letak..nak berdukung je..sakit pinggang Allah je tau..

Banyak kali jugak sebab nak attend to Qai, Qis mintak susu pun susah nak layan segera..sian Qis..banyak kali dah die tertido before getting her milk.

Nak masak memang payah..kalau baby tido dapat la saye masak..if not,makan je la ape yg ase kat dapur..or sometimes mintak tolong adik-adik beli..

So if en hubby sacrifices his weekends for class,note that i am also sacrificing things here..bukan senang nak manage things bile ade baby.stress jugak dok umah xbole nak buat ape2.nk keluar pun pikir bnyk kali..

For now weekend kalau nak berjimba kene tunggu weekend yg hubby xde kelas or kalau ade org boleh ikut n teman..with Qis n baby Qai, saya belum yakin nak keluar ok, but Qis memang x boleh lepas pandang..

She is too bold n brave.x takut orang..she didn't bother to stay close to me.

So another one year..bile en hubby grad, weeehhhuuuuy..banyak beban hilang..not just physically but mentally as well..hati pun tenang..

Toodles peeps!

new love interest..

This is qis's new love interest..kihkih..
Bought it for her yesterday. She went into the shop, determined to buy Strawberry Shortcake  Playdough..
While searching for it, she stumbled upon this and instantly fell in love with it..
No more playdough nor anything else..
'I want this mama.Qis nak jual-jual'
Same interest eh? I guess she wants to be an accountant when she grows up.just like mama eh?
Anyways..this cash register is awesome..played it with Qis the whole day yesterday.
She would be a very good n efficient cash register attendant!
And for the record,it costs me rm65!!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

A 'me' time..

I need time for myself..nak gi spa ke..hang out with frens ke..i need a 'me' time.

Yela sometimes perlu merehatkan diri dari penat lelah bekerja, jadi ibu, isteri, housekeeper dan mcm2 lg..

Jap nk selit mother like daughter..ceria!

Dapat bercuti pun best jugak..i just need a break sometimes..

Friday, 23 November 2012

Aper cer?

ade orang tu..dulu kemain fren kat fb..

bile dah termalu terus nak un-friend and block2..

ape cer? ko yang kemain gatai pikir pendek..

ko jgn risau, xde nye aku nak post fb pasal ko..nyemak wall je..

malu lah nak post pasal ko..memalukan kaum perempuan.

elok lah ko unfriend and block tu.

time kasih.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The faces of Qairina

Here are the faces of my lil' Qairina..

 muke  ceria..

 muke marah..

 muke confuse..

 muke pasrah..


muke malas nak layan...

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

She remembers..

I posted a pic of mine in fb today and received comments from my primary school teacher..Cikgu Aishah..I was so thrilled to know she remembers me. When I became her fb friend, I didn't even bother to recall her memory of me..yela, she is still a teacher can you imagine berape banyak student die pernah ade..

But when she dropped comments macam tu, saya sgt happy and teruja..She was my class teacher in 1994. Mase tu darjah 4 kot..

China doll haircut ya'll!hahahahaha..memang tu la gaye hair cut ku dulu..camne rambut Qis sekarang, camtula rambut ku..

Thank you cikgu. Nice to know that you still remember me!!

Aku ade jamban..ko ade?

Propa tak tajuk tu??kihkih..

Saya pernah menerima nasihat dari orang yang pade saya tak layak pun nak nasihatkan saye..

eh,eh,..die berak merate-rate die nak ajar kite berak dalam jamban pulak..
macam tu lah perumpamaannye..

sakit hati mase dengar tu but i don't see the point of standing up against these kind of people.nanti kite same-same busuk macam die..

perangai dah la busuk ade hati nak nasihat orang..


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Reminiscing the past..

tibe teringat tempat kerja lame pulak.. semalam bile en hubby balik he said 'tadi lalu tempat kerja lame ayg..' Ernst & Young..started my journey there in Feb 2007.Mase masuk keje tu baru abis my ACCA..semangat gile nak keje. I remember I was offered by KPMG as well but ended up choosing EY.

I gained good and valuable experiences there. Not just the tasks but the people I met along the way is interesting as well.All sorts of people with colorful attitude and behavior..macam-macam..yang pelik2 pun ade..

Working in EY..hrmm..big pay but crazy work loads..chasing datelines all the time. Kerja balik kul 3-4 am kot..mase 9 months ngandungkan Qis pun still bawak kereta balik kerja kul 3am..crazy huh?

So when I gave birth to Qis, I decided its time to move on to a different working environment. I need a 9-5 working time. I want and I need that family time at night.I left EY in June 2009. Moved forward, no remorse.

So here I am..working at Bintang Fadzilat (M) Sdn Bhd.Duit depa, ku jaga..kahkahkah..

Yup its a family business. I work with my dad. The pay is not that high but ample.the most important thing is that the working environment is flexible.Anak sakit or nak cuti tak payah..and no, the work is not easy.same je susah cam keje construction company yang lain but my working life is not hectic..Alhamdulillah.

This is definitely what I need. And guess what? Monday blues..x pernah rase monday blues..seriously!

Syukur Ya Allah atas rezeki dan kurniaanMu ini!

Monday, 19 November 2012

I'm a proud mom!

I have been successfully breastfeeding lil' Qairina till this very moment and are determine to continue doing so until she is 2 years old..Mase Qis dulu dapat breastfeed die setahun lebih je..

This couple of months has been a challenging months but I managed to do it. There was one time, nothing came out mase ku memerah sebab stress.Nangis mase tu..sedih and cuak sebab xde susu keluar..

I stopped for a while, cube bertenang, tengok muke anak, doa kat Allah and I start again..alhamdulillah.It worked. Mase tengah stress tu ade terpikir nak stopped breastfeed my daughter sebab cam tak mampu..kesian die..whatever emotions we had when we are breastfeeding our child die pun akan rase kan?

And I am so glad I didn't go on with the decision to stop.coz I'll be regretting it for the rest of my life..kenape pulak Qairina yang jadi mangse sebab mama die tak kuat kan? Syukran Ya Allah.

I'm a proud mom! I will continue selagi boleh! Chaiyock 'Ain!

En Marah, Go Away!


Satu perasaan yang kite tak dapat lari darinye..Selagi namenye kite ni manusia, perasaan mara memang datang tanpa diduga..

We can't avoid it, but we can learn how to handle it. Marah pada saya adalah satu emosi yang sangat memenatkan..We can never solve a problem when we are angry.

Saya sangat tak suke perasaan marah ni..if i'm angry, i will turn away from that person n pujuk hati sendiri..saya tak suke nak mara lame-lame.. Rasulullah pun kate, kalau marah, palingkan muke..I will always try to think positively on almost anything..Because to me, negativity consumed energy and good vibes.

Sampai my close friends cakap ' Ain, ko ni positif sangat la..pasal tu hidup ko ni ceria je kot?' Bile saya mara, tak lame..coz i don't see the point untuk melayan mara dan drag it lame-lame..benefit ape kite dapat? hati tak tenang, silaturrahim pun terputus..

so prinsip saya, kalau mara jangan layan.sabar and get over with it cepat-cepat.dah tenang, kalau perlu say sorry untuk meredakan keadaan, just say sorry.sebab tak semestinya kite jadi orang yang bersalah kalau kite minta maaf.

Lately ni saye memang agak susah nak handle mara saye..bile die datang Ya Allah..kadang sampai menggigil..rase nak jerit, tampar orang semue ade..suke en.setan tu bakar-bakar line kalau kite marah kan?Melompat die kegirangan..

I hate this feeling. when it comes, and I failed to control it, I ended up hurting the feeling of my loved ones.When it comes, nothing can ease it.biar la orang cakap ape pun, mase tu yang saya nak hanyalah meluahkan perasaan marah tu..x pikir dah hati n perasaan orang lain.

ye,memang susah nak pujuk hati bile mara. tengah mara nak bersabar memang payah.lately ni saya gagal ikut prinsip saya. I failed to stay positive.Saya sgt mudah mara bila terfikir certain things.When I snapped, it gets ugly..and I hate it. I hate this part of me.

Ya Allah, Kau kurniakanlah aku kesabaran dan jauhilah aku dari sifat marah Ya Allah..

Saturday, 17 November 2012

The Nanny..

remember this? The cast of The Nanny show!!

Awwwwww...Mr Sheffield!!! *Fran Fine style*

Oh how I miss this show. Makes me laugh each time, every time without fail!!

The things that came out from her mouth..witty, bold and honest..hahahahah..

Oh please bring back the series on tv.

Friday, 16 November 2012

easier said than done..

don't judge people if we only know half of the story..if we conclude based on that half, we are being bias.

we can always give our opinions and suggestions..'you can..' or 'you should'..or 'why not' but don't expect people to agree and follow because at the end of the day, they are the one who should decide.

they are the one facing it and have to live with the consequences of their actions. so you can't say 'if you don't want to listen to me, why bother approaching me for an opinion..' wow.

orang tu je tau ape die rase and kenape die buat camtu..untuk kite cakap kite paham ape die rase and nak die ikut cakap kite and cadangan kite..hrmm, i dunno what to say..

kalau kite hadapi ape yang orang tu hadapi, belum tentu kite mampu buat cam ape yang kite cadangkan kat orang tu kan?

just my opinion..u don't have to agree..


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The hole in the street..

I stumbled upon this story. i like its simplicity..

Scene 1:
I walk down a street, and there's a deep hole in the sidewalk.I fall in. It takes forever to get out.It's not my fault.

Scene 2: 
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It still takes a long time to get out. It's my fault.

Scene 3:
I walk down the same street. I fall in the whole again. It's becoming a habit. It is definitely my fault. I get out immediately.

Scene 4:
I walk down the same street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Scene 5:
I walk down a different street.

Simple yet direct isn't it? it carries the fundamental guidelines of change.How many times do we have to fall into the same hole before we learn?

If there is a hole on the street we are walking now which  we keep falling in, shouldn't we have avoid it or take another street?

Decide now before we are severely hurt.make a change.

Morning Call..

pagi-pagi big bos dah call panggil meeting..

oh tidak..aku dah tau pasal ape..abis la..kene bambu la satgi ni..

terima je la ain..ko director ke ape ke kalau dah big boss mara telan je la..kihkih..

err..abaaahhh, eh salah...bosss..please be nice  *buat mate besar ala-ala pussy cat*

kalau kat umah berkesan la care ni..kat ofis, chet..

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

pencuri di kenduri..

okay hari ni rajin nak buat 2 post..since en hubby tak gune lappy die, ku lenjan la kejap..

suspen tak tajuk kat atas tu?haaaa...alkisahnye, mase kenduri adik2ku hari tu ade jugak orang amik kesempatan..the lost? amounting to 2000 kot!

when my mom told me about the incident something came into my mind..i remember arriving late for the wedding..pengantin dah sampai baru aku sampai..

i remember rushing up the stairs to change Qis's clothes. I remember bumping into an unfamiliar guy walking down the stairs..our eyes connected, he was not smiling at all ( yela masuk umah org, jumpe tuan rumah senyum la sikit kan?) and his face..kinda cuak gitu..

and there was no one else kat atas mase that time terdetik hati ni..'eh,die ni buat ape kat atas..tandas kan ade kat bawah..oh, tandas penuh kot..' and that was it..

so bile mamaku cerita bout how my dad, sis and bro's hilang duit, terus aku teringat mamat tu..chet..x terfikir langsung mase tu..sempat jugak die masuk bilik2 and amik duit..

and the timing was just right..mase pengantin sampai and everybody ngah sibuk2 nak tengok pengantin..hish..sabar je la..

sompek ekau panjang tangan maso orang ngah busy..eden soligi baru ekau tau!jeki ko la pencuri oii! at least, for this time..

that white note..

Received this the other day..

I was excited when i received the parcel..but the moment i saw a letter..classy! u made my day sapok..thank you so much..baju ko bagi untuk baby is one thing but surat tu..terharu aku ok..dah lame kot tak dapat surat..kihkih..

I was smiling and grinning reading it.the last part was...boleh tak aku cakap touching..u know what, i felt the same way each time. remembering the times we had back in school, it was priceless..

just to be there in that moment again, no headache, no difficulties, no i-want-to-disappear time.. all about joy and craziness i think i would give up just anything..aku nak sangat pinjam pintu mase kat doraemon..waaaaa....

Thank you so much sapok..for the baju and the letter! okay aku nak nangis dah bace balik surat time of difficulties, i find this letter to be so...comforting.

love u guys!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Busy days..

Busy days ahead ya'll..10.11.12 & 11.11.12

The reception and solemnization day of my lil' brother and sister..dah besar dah adik2 aku..baru je rasenye bagi penampar kat my brother

Yang nak kahwinnye my sister yang kat tengah tu and my brother yang kat belakang I tu..yang gambar I yang bulat tu ignore lah ye..mase ni ngandungkan Qairina..dah 8 bulan..

Anyways, will be adding 2 new members to the family..To Aqilah and Muhammad, jadilah suami dan isteri yang bertanggungjawab dan terbaik utk pasangan masing2..Patience and tolak ansur dalam menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan..

Ingat, Allah duga hamba2 yang disayangiNya dan Allah takkan duga kite lebih dari yang kite mampu..

Kaklong love both of you! Aku tetap kakak korang yang gile tuh okayyy!!hahahahahaah...

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Post-pregnancy weight..

Post-pregnancy kali ni berat saye turun agak banyak..

Mase mengandung Qistina naik 15kg turunnye 12kg je..
Mase mengandung Qaisara naik 13kg turunnye pun 13kg..
Mase mengandung Qairina, naik 7kg je..tapi dah turun15kg..

Hihi..slim la sikit tapi masih banyak lebihannye..kihkih..*wink*

Shove it all Ain!Eh, ape yang tinggal pastu?

Monday, 5 November 2012

powerpuff girls..

me n my princesses..

Shame on you!

A mother always has to think twice.Once for herself and once for her children..- sophia loren

well said. so saya tak paham bile ade mak yang mementingkan diri sendiri..sanggup hilang anak kerane ikutkan nafsu..u called yourself a mother?shame on you! u are not qualified to be anyone's wife or mother.
shame on you..u know what? dunia ni bulat..u'll get what you do to others..sekian..

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Hardship and Relief..


It has been a while since I last wrote anything on my blog..lame kan? kesian die..
A lot has been happening these couple of  month..
Joy and Sorrow u name it I had it..
Allah  je yang tau what I faced and felt..
To Him I turned and seek pelindungan..
Semoga Allah berikan petunjuk dan hidayahNya..
I believe that with every hardship, there is relief..
Ade hikmahnye ape yang jadi ni..
But above all this, I'm thankfull to Allah for His blessings bestowed upon me..
My new princess, my new bundle of joy..
Ni lah die..Jeng,Jeng..

Arissa Qairina Sani binti Sanizabri..

My princesses

Terima kasih Ya Allah..

Friday, 27 July 2012



Masuk hari ni dah hari ke-7 kite puasa..Alhamdulillah so far ku dapat berpuasa penuh tanpa masalah..risau jugak mase nak mule ramadhan hari tu..takot tak larat ke ape..pueh pulak nak menggantinye nanti..

Meh nak cite sikit pengalaman berbuke and bersahur..hari pertama dan kedua memang berbuka n bersahur semuenye ni nak masak x larat sangat..sakit pinggang woo berdiri lame2..Masalahnye harge food2 tu semue mak aih...mahal..setiap kali beli untuk berbuka n sahur esoknye,mesti habis RM50 hengget..

Bile balik bukak tgk eh, ape sgt yang aku beli sampai RM50 ni..lauk yang biasenye kalau bukan bulan pose RM2-3 hengget je naik samai RM5-6 hengget..Masuk hari kedua, kos die same..bincang ngan hubby, senak kalau camni so we decided to masak for sahur..Hubby kene la tolong masak..kihkih..

Beli barang mentah yg saya rase boleh buat untuk berbuke n sahur 4 hari total baru RM53..Adoiyai..harga food sangat mahal kalau bulan pose..Lelah nengoknye..

So far kami jarang berbuke makan nasi..but sahur memang kene masak nasi..masak satu lauk yang all in maksudnye ade main n sayur dalam lauk tu..xyah masak banyak2 kali..n kalau sahur mesti nak ade telur masin..baru layan!kihkih..

As for tarawih, so far me n hubby buat kat rumah..cik Qis dah besar so kadang2 die join tak pun buat hal sendiri..boleh mama n abah die bertarawih dengan aman..xde la dapat buat setiap malam..kadang2 tu mengulor je..hehe..

Anyways, marilah kite berjimat di bulan pose ni..kadang2 before pose mesti pk 'hmm,bulan pose ni mesti boleh menyimpan..tapi, bulan ni la yang cepat abis fulusnye kalau x budget betul2..tengah bulan dah sahur nasi ngan kicap je..kihkih..

Till then,toodles!

Monday, 23 July 2012

Allah Lebih Mengetahui..

Assalamualaikum..fuhh,lame sungguh tak update blog ni..berhabuk sungguh dah..lately ni sangat susah nak cari mood nak ngupdate nye..Ni pun ku gagahkan jugak sebab cian tengok blog ni terbiar..hehe..

Tup tap tup tap dah 36 minggu kate orang tu lebih kurang tunggu mase je la ni..huhu..Me and hubby sangat2 excited..dah lame xde baby kat umah tu..our princess pun dah 3tahun lebih dah..Tapi dalam excited tu, ade jugak risaunye..

We both hope that yang ni memang jeki kami..because we have once lost a child betul2 mase lepas baby tu lahir..siape sangke kan?semangat pergi bersalin rupenye Allah lagi mengetahui..Dah mengandung 9 bulan pun belum tentu itu hak kite..Allahuakbar..

Pregnancy kali ni sgt dipermudahkan Allah..xde morning sickness kalau nak compare dengan previous pregnancy..Qistina pun sangat excited tunggu adik die..At this point, we can just pray to Allah that everything went well nanti..Insyallah..

Preparation dah siap alhamdulillah..Doakan kami ye darlings sekalian..Sangat nervous..dah nak masuk 3 kali bersalin pun still nervous..hihi..ade ke yang tak?

Anyways, ni nak tepek gambar kami yang latest mase wedding our beloved friend, Dirah and Rohe..Congrats to both of you!we love you!


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Birthday and Anniversary

The two important events in May each year. My hubby's birthday - 12/05 and our wedding anniversary - 17/05.

1. Hubby's birthday

I planned a birthday dinner with our friends.And so we had it at Chop n Steak Kampung Baru..Punyalah berusaha taknak kantoi I even volunteered to drive.sebab ape?sebab tau dah area kampung baru tu jam,lagi2 kat restoran ni..kang ke tak pasal2 cik abe ku marah terus nak pi makan tempat lain..

Mase dah sempai kedai tu, ramai n susah cari parking as expected..dan dah ku agak hubby ajak makan tempat lain but dengan muka sardinnye aku cakap 'xnak, nak makan sini'..x berani nak pandang muke die..tengok die ok je mesti hubby ingat me ngah mengidam..hikhik..

And so we were the first to arrive..hubby nampak je nameku kat atas meja (reserved) terus die cakap 'patutlah xnak makan tempat lain, dah plan ghupenye', sambil tersipu malu..

 The birthday boys. Sambut sekali dengan En Rohe..

Hadiah?susah kan nak cari hadiah untuk guys ni?ni pun last minit sebab dah tak tahu nak beli ape..Jeng,Jeng,Jeng...HTC One latest model..hrmmm..glad that he likes it..sekali sekale beli hadiah cani..tak pernah pun bagi yang mahal2 camni..meleleh me tengok..kihkih..bukan bagi orang lain pun kan?

Anyways,happy birthday sayang!

2. Our 4th Anniversary

17/05/12, our 4th anniversary..ececeh tetibe rase nak tepek gambar wedding pulak..hehe..



Ishk, sengih sorang2 tengok gambar kahwin ni...teringat kegumbiraan hari tu..kihkih..So here it goes:

Happy anniversary sayangku!semoga Allah memberkati our marriage and blessed us with health, happiness and anak2 yang soleh dan solehah. I'm so glad to have you in my life and to share all the peaks and lows of our lives together.Thank you for being such a great husband to me and accepting me the way I am.I will love you every single day of forever!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Upin Ipin the Musical

Upin dan Upin the Musical...Akhirnya dapat jugak bawak cik Qistina tonton teater ni..sebab memang dah niat nak bawak me and my sis pergi beli tiket kat IB 2 days before the show..penyudahnye amik tiket bertarikh seperti di atas..

ishk,first time ni nak bawak qis tgk teater..xyah kate Qis, mama n abah die pun first time masuk IB n tengok agak excited sebenarnye..So on the day, banyak kali dok cite kat Qis, 'malam ni tgk upin ipin..' but die macam biase je..but sampai je IB, tgk je kemain banyak poster upin ipin and its merchandises, baru mukenye seronok banget!

Mase mule2 maskot upin ipin keluar kat pentas, ya Allah muke Qis, priceless gile!ternganga macam x percaya upin ipin ade kat depan pulak sepanjang teater asik dok tengok muke Qis sebab nak witness her expression.Expression sedih ade,happy ade, marah ade macam2 la!

Yang paling best mase ade part spider menari n terjun dari stage..boleh pulak 'sorang' spider tu benti betul2 sebelah Qis, sergah cik kak tu..menjerit la Qis but she ended up laughing sebab spider tu buat 'peace'  pulak pastu..

And another part bile die panggil kanak2 naik pentas..Qis dengan muke selambe naik tak pakai selipar..die sorang je berkaki ayam kat atas stage tu..x sempat nak pakaikan selipar die sebab laju je die naik pentas bile tgk budak2 lain naik..

Haha part mentadak mentadu ni memang best..mase mendataks ni menari2 me and hubby dah tergelak2 sebab macam gediks sgt they all menari..and so they ask budak2 yang naik pentas tu camne upin n ipin tido..qis ni dok la ngikut orang sebelah..aksinye same je..huhu..anak aku..

Habis teater tu capai baju n pen upin ipin untuk Qis,amik gambar jap ngan maskot die pastu terus balik sebab esok Qis sekolah..kang payah nak bangun pagi..kesian pulak die kang tak cukup tidor..Overall,teater tu not bad,definitely a good family teater..

Oh n plus karakter Sally tu memang terbaekk..sebijik macam dalam tv!hahahaha..kelassssss kau!Anyways, x dapat amik gambar banyak sgt sebab terlupe bawak camera n hubby pulak x bawak hp..adoiyai..

Qis and Uncle Amat

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Qistina is 3 years old


11 Mac 2012 hari tu genaplah Qistina 3 tahun...Dah besar dah princess mama me decide nak le beli kek hantar kat playschool die..seminggu sebelum bday mamanye dah sibuk prepare goody bag..

Actually kek ni last minit..before hantar goody bag tu terpikir mesti die seronok kalaucelebrate ngan rakan2 so hamik ko sekali dua ku beli takot satu tak cukup..

bday girl disuap kek..dah pendek rambutnye..hasil kerja tangan abahnye..

And then on the bday date itself pi la kami sefamily celebrate kat Cozy House Ampang Park..celebrate ngan atok, wan,makcik n pakcik2nye..

The cake..
muke x sabar ke, ngantok ni?

rakus membuka hadiah..

Gambar hadiah tak sempat nak snap..laju je die terus nak main..hadiah ni makteh and bakal paktehnye bagi..control car and colouring doh.yg lain bg ang pow..dah selamat pun bukak akaun tabung haji Qis pakai duit tu..

Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki anak mama..balaik makan tu terserlah kegumbiraan Qis..sambil jalan,sambil pegang hadiah,sambil nyanyi la~la~la ntah tune ape mama pun tak tahu..bertuah,bertuah..

Anyways Qis sayang, Happy Birthday to you!semoga menjadi anak yang solehah dan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki.Mama and abah sentiasa doakan yang terbaik untuk Qis.Love you so much!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Qis si PokPekPokPek

Lame bebenor x ngupdate blog ni yer?hehehe.. malas susah betul nak cari mase nak updatenye..bace blog orang kemain ghajin..kihkih..

anyways, la ni nak cite bout my lil princess, Qistina..masuk hari ni dah sebulan lebih die ke far alhamdulillah..x pernah lagi menangis ke sekolah..bangun pagi susah sikit nak kejut but xde pun nangis or ape mase mandi n bersiap..

ni uniform CIC.actually ade tudung and kene pakai kasut putih.tapi se tecik ni x nak pakai tudung n sibuk nak pakai selipar pink die yang lusuh tu..hehe..

so every morning, mama die ni akan ikat rambut.different style everyday..serious cakap saye ni sgt la x gheti nak ngikat rambut berstyle2 ni..but since dah ade anak, kene la belajar..n slowly it gets better..hehe..

ni dekat pantai batu lah gambar latest si tecik ni..dah panjang kan?hari2 soalan die kat mama:
"mama,perut mama ade baby ke?" sambil gosok2 perut buncit mama die ni..kihkhi..
tu barisan tengah belakang sekali nampak tak?khusyuk sungguh die bace doa..i guess ni morning session before they start their classes..

sejak pi school ni memang qis nampak lagi matang n memang pantang dapat pen/kaler and buku..dalam buku die tu macam2 sketch die buat..antaranya..




orang lidi!!with no kaki!!kihkih..

is it a bird?NO!is it superman?NO! its kapal terbang la mama!

me and hubby selalu tergelak tengok hasil lukisan Qis..macam2 ada!but I'm so proud of you sayang!semoga Qis rajin belajar dan cemerlang sampai besar nanti..