Hari ni nak cerita about Gerobok Hana. Its a business started by 8 gorgeous women termasuk and my Shahians frens decided to start a business selling tudung. Seronok..So far alhamdulillah. things are going well. the profit ain't big but most of all we are happy to be reunited for this course.
And so on the 7th -11th of May hari tu we managed to get a booth at KPJ Damansara.It was fun and harapnye ade la rezeki kami untuk dapat booth macam ni..Jom enjoy gambar.tapi 4 keping je la..hahahah..
Lawatan bersama kekasih hati on the 4th day..
Qis had her face painted.melebar senyum..
Tibe Qai demam pulak hari tu..but she has been a good girl all day!
6/8 of the gang you guys!16 tahun kawan ngan korang.with you guys I don have to pretend!
So peeps, mai la tgk tudung..take a peek and pick yours!!mai la..