Akhirnya ku ada laptop and broadband dirumah...
Lepas ni leh update blog,google and berfb malam2 and weekend..No more "ala Myn..rumah aku xde internet la.."
Ye cik Myn,I can now bali awal and berfb on weekend ok!!hahaha..
2. Bende baru No 2.
This is a classic case of not knowing what to have as a birthday present.I bought it at carlo rino.They usually give 30% disc for member on their birthday..
I like it coz its big and ade banyak compartment..Totally my type of bag!
3. Bende baru No 3.
Ni hadiah besday dari En Hubby kesayanganku..anklet..simple and again,totally my type..He said, "now both of my girl ade anklet with loceng..easy for me"..haha..indirectly implying yang isterinya ni pun selalu hilang di supermarket??
Haha..Thank you sayang..I love it!!next year yang ade berlian lak eh..you know diamonds are woman's best fren kan??hehe..(macam la aku suke accessories..so not my type!)Kidding love!
So these are a few new things in my life..SUKE!.period.
wah..bestnya hadiah besday awak..akak thn ni x dpt celbrate besday coz b4 besday bb dah kuor..2 kire hadiah gak la kan..hehehe
kak liana:pun hadiah tu..tu hadiah besday paling best tau..hehe..
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