Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Tiada susu sebaik susu ibu..

Caution:Please read with an open mind..

Was browsing through yesterday and I came across one of the gazillions forums that caught my attention ..

"Statement2 paling tak masuk akal tentang bf"
I read a few of the stories posted by the mommies and I am freakin' pissed off..The reasons given by those I'm-too-modern-to-breastfeed-my child mommies was LAME and I feel disgusted..

"I malas la nak selak2 baju.." (selak baju untuk hubby tak malas lak?)
"Susah la nak perah2 ni" (bangun malam nak buat susu lagi leceh)
"Bagi susu nanti anak manja" (baby is supposed to be's all bout bonding remember?)
"You ni mesti pemalas nak bancuh susu untuk anak..that's why u breastfeed" (WTF?)

These are some of the reasons..Ya Allah...ceteknye pemikiran and pengetahuan..dalam Al-Quran pun sebut, susu ibu adalah yang terbaik untuk anak2..But reading through all the lame excuses, some of it even macam mengutuk ibu2 yang bagi susu badan..

HELLO! dah la tak bagi anak susu badan (tu ikut suka hang la), ni berani pulak nak mengutuk orang yang breastfeed baby die? WHAT A SHAME! dengkelnye otak tu!Sangat2 memalukan..
To all the breastfeeding mommies out there..banyak2 la bersabar dengan orang2 macam ni..yang penting we know what is best for our children..Keep up the good work!
Photo from

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