Monday, 9 November 2009


Kakiku sakit..futsal punye pasal..or maybe ini balasan merosakkan cermin mate Pell..sorry bro!Oppss,before you guys cube untuk membayangkan lagi, I want to clarify that NO! I did not kick the ball to his face and NO! I did not punch him in his face..His spectacle falls down dalam usehenye menangkap bole tendangan aku!! I said Pell, bill hantar kat Sani eh!!*tengkiu sayang..lebiu so much!hehe..wink*

We received a call from Chini Saturday morning..My hubby's neighbour passed away *innalillah*and we shoot back to Chini 10am in the morning..Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dah ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman..*Al-fatihah*


I have been alerted by the tour agency that all Air Asia flights to Beijing had been cancelled untill Feb next year because of the weather!

Berderau darah mendengarnye..Harapnye my flight would not be cancelled as well..but with the uncertain weather these days, you never know..

Ya Allah, aku berserah padamu..

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