Tuesday, 13 November 2012

pencuri di kenduri..

okay hari ni rajin nak buat 2 post..since en hubby tak gune lappy die, ku lenjan la kejap..

suspen tak tajuk kat atas tu?haaaa...alkisahnye, mase kenduri adik2ku hari tu ade jugak orang amik kesempatan..the lost? amounting to 2000 kot!

when my mom told me about the incident something came into my mind..i remember arriving late for the wedding..pengantin dah sampai baru aku sampai..

i remember rushing up the stairs to change Qis's clothes. I remember bumping into an unfamiliar guy walking down the stairs..our eyes connected, he was not smiling at all ( yela masuk umah org, jumpe tuan rumah senyum la sikit kan?) and his face..kinda cuak gitu..

and there was no one else kat atas mase that time terdetik hati ni..'eh,die ni buat ape kat atas..tandas kan ade kat bawah..oh, tandas penuh kot..' and that was it..

so bile mamaku cerita bout how my dad, sis and bro's hilang duit, terus aku teringat mamat tu..chet..x terfikir langsung mase tu..sempat jugak die masuk bilik2 and amik duit..

and the timing was just right..mase pengantin sampai and everybody ngah sibuk2 nak tengok pengantin..hish..sabar je la..

sompek ekau panjang tangan maso orang ngah busy..eden soligi baru ekau tau!jeki ko la pencuri oii! at least, for this time..

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