Done bathing both my ngah bergolek melayan diorang..en hubby ade kelas hari ni..kalau weekend en hubby ade kelas..memang patah kaki..
Restricted sikit nak buat banyak bende bile ade baby..nak kemas rumah pun x times baby Qai xnak letak..nak berdukung je..sakit pinggang Allah je tau..
Banyak kali jugak sebab nak attend to Qai, Qis mintak susu pun susah nak layan segera..sian Qis..banyak kali dah die tertido before getting her milk.
Nak masak memang payah..kalau baby tido dapat la saye masak..if not,makan je la ape yg ase kat dapur..or sometimes mintak tolong adik-adik beli..
So if en hubby sacrifices his weekends for class,note that i am also sacrificing things here..bukan senang nak manage things bile ade baby.stress jugak dok umah xbole nak buat ape2.nk keluar pun pikir bnyk kali..
For now weekend kalau nak berjimba kene tunggu weekend yg hubby xde kelas or kalau ade org boleh ikut n teman..with Qis n baby Qai, saya belum yakin nak keluar ok, but Qis memang x boleh lepas pandang..
She is too bold n brave.x takut orang..she didn't bother to stay close to me.
So another one year..bile en hubby grad, weeehhhuuuuy..banyak beban hilang..not just physically but mentally as well..hati pun tenang..
Toodles peeps!
Maaf, tumpang lalu...Another one year?? Hrp2 lps tu evrythg will be ok ye. Byk cbrn smbg study ni trutma klu tak ttpkn mtlmt sbnr. Rmai yg smbl mnylm minum air..tu yg susah tu.
Hehehe..dah byk bukti ni..jgn percaya sgt..
Ye..mmg dah terbukti pun. Do not trust at all. Tp klu tak sdr jgk nak buat cane..sedih
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